Public Events

Van Hoosen Farm Public Programs

Check back soon to learn about our exciting and educational programs sponsored by the Rochester Garden Club at Van Hoosen Farm. Don’t forget that the Childrens’ Garden at the farm is open to visitors all year long.

Gifts and Greens Market

New this year, we are offering a pre-sale on our gorgeous fresh greens. You can be sure to have them in hand BEFORE Thanksgiving this year. Preorders can be picked up on Saturday, November 23 at the Van Hoosen Farm. We offer a discount for early orders AND anyone who purchases greens at the pre-order will get a FREE admission to the Gifts and Greens Market on Friday Dec. 6 and Saturday Dec 7.

The funds we raise will go right back to the community to support college scholarships, environmental camp scholarships, support for local environmental groups, civic beautification, Van Hoosen Farm Children’s Garden and much more. We couldn’t do it without YOU! Save the date for our next market, December 5, 6 and 7. See you then.

Rochester Garden Walk

The 24th Rochester Garden Walk was another success that ended in a bang! In spite of the heat, we had a wonderful turnout of walkers and helpers. The gardens were gorgeous, and everyone had a great time until a thunderstorm blew in and rain damped everything. Luckily it was at the end of the day, and everyone got to see most of the gardens. That’s life in Michigan. Mark your calendars for next year’s walk, Thursday, June 19.

To see our Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

For more details: or call 248-656-4663

Native Plant Sale

The annual Native Plant Sale is run in conjunction with the Rochester Garden Walk. You do NOT have to purchase a ticket to the garden walk to purchase our native plants. We offer an exciting selection of grasses and flowers that will help your garden support biodiversity in our community. Native plants evolved with our beneficial insects and birds and are the foundation of a healthy environment. The sale will be held during the 2025 garden walk on June 19, 2025.