Gifts and Greens Market
Thank you to all our customers and club members for making our 75th Gifts and Greens Market a resounding success. It was such fun to greet our customers in person and share the holiday spirit. Everyone was in the mood to buy, and we sold out of almost all our items by the end of the sale. All our proceeds will be returned to the community through our scholarship programs, support for environmental causes, civic beautification, and special gifts to Rochester schools, and other organizations.
Save the date for the 2022 Gifts and Greens Market, December 1, 2 and 3. Check back for details on the new location and times for the sale. See you soon!
Club member Cindy Miller is ready for shoppers Our door prize is awarded to the lucky winner The OU Tennis Team helps carry the heavy packages
Rochester Garden Walk
The Rochester Garden Walk is a partnership between the Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm and the Rochester Garden Club. Together, both organizations bring talent and energy to put together a fabulous day of strolling in private and public gardens throughout the greater Rochester area. This fun event is anticipated by local gardeners and plant lovers and is held the third Thursday of June. Check back for details on the 2022 Garden Walk, to be held on June 16.
Native Plant Sales and Other Events
The Rochester Garden Club looks at other opportunities to raise funds for our charitable work. We have established a Native Plant Sale held in conjunction with the annual Garden Walk. Working with a local grower, community residents can purchase Michigan native plants and shrubs to incorporate into their gardens. We also sell garden gloves, salves, and other popular items at our meetings, and use a “penny basket” to collect funds at each general meeting to fund a special project each year. People are welcome to donate to our club directly (Donate) if they wish to support our activities. We also have a Tribute Fund to accept donations in honor of a loved one or special event.